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All Me Babe
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My Last Day as a Senior
After 13 long years in school, many wonderful teachers, a lot of memories, and a little hard work, (hehe) It was finally that day when I could break free of the bonds of High School. I will miss all those I went to school with and hope that I do not lose contact with a lot of them. Thank you Mom and Dad for being there for me the entire way through, and all your wonderful loving support.
*S* I Love you guys! *S*
Momma and Daddy
Thank you for Everything. You both mean so much to me. I will never be able to express how much I Love you both. Thank you for never giving up on me, and helping me as much as you could. Had it not been for the two of you. I would not be who I am today.
They Where not alone
Thank you Bryan, for everything. (Yep even the daily beatings when I was a little brat). Things Mom and Dad could not help with you could. The time you and I lost together was the hardest time for me. I missed you more then anything, and when you left for the Army and College, I did not know what to do with out you. I love you "B". My big brother, buthead *S
After words
I will Never forget. After I was done at the school we all went to the McD's where I work for ice cream. There where not to many people working and I asked if it would be ok if I did the stuff myself for my family. The Manager agreed and I was off. Running around the McD's in my cap and gown. I love the place where I work,.. And the People I work with. My second family.
Bryan and I
I Love you B
Family is so wonderful
I am Sorry Grammy and Pappy couldnt make it. I missed them. |