The Coolest Place On Earth
Had so much fun wandering around the Castle. I felt like a Maid in the medieval times. sooo great!
Did I tell you I Loved it there?
Inside the Gates. kind of like a courtyard. Being in this place just made me feel so wonderful. All my troubles where forgotten |
tourture Chamber
Going through the Castle was even better. The halls where small and very dark. So spooky At times I would clench onto Lenny Just incase something was lurking around the next bend. Sure as Shit we come to the torture chamber.. AHHHHHH!!! |
We went to see the Big Birds
There was a Falconer that did a show at the Castle. I think this Bird had something for me.. He sure did like my head. *S* |
This is the Guy who took care of them
I couldn’t understand a word he was saying but the show was still great
Birdy on Lenny's Head
The entire time We where watching the show.. Lenny wanted one of the birds to fly to him.. When the bird hopped on his head he was more then happy to let it stay there *S |
Back Side of the Castle from the out side.
From up in the Tower seen in the first pic down on Court Yard