Easter 2002


Summer In Belgium

Castle In Belgium

Christmas 2001 In Belgium

Easter 2002

New Look

My Sweet Barry

Poems 1

Poems 2

All Me Babe

Guest Book Page

At-Risk Students



update pics

Easter At Nana's
Once again Paul and Lenny came over here for Easter. This time they brought momma with them.

Coloring Eggs
Lenny had never colored eggs before. I got to show him. I love to color eggs. hehe.. we even made a black one.
LMAO* I fell off!!!
I was laying on the Merry-go-round and Becky was pushing me. She pushed to fast and my but pulled me off and I went kaplooie
My Little Boy Dominic
He was crawling. Soooo cute. I like to call him mine. I was there when he was Born,.. most amazing thing I have ever seen. He accauly belongs to my Aunt.
We Still Have to Look
They hid our Baskets. They made us look. I cant belive it. I am 18,.. Bryan is 22.. why the heck are we still lookin for our baskets???
HAHA Bryan
I know where Bryan's Steff's and Lenny's Baskets are.. But where the heck is mine!!!!
Under the Hats.. Gross.. I looked in there about three times two and do you think I saw it before Nana told me? hehehe
Lenny Found His!
HEHE. I dont think he ever had to look for his candy before. But he didnt do to bad. He found his before I found mine,... Then again I had found everyone elses before I found mine.

Happy Easter Everyone!