Newst pics


Summer In Belgium

Castle In Belgium

Christmas 2001 In Belgium

Easter 2002

New Look

My Sweet Barry

Poems 1

Poems 2

All Me Babe

Guest Book Page

At-Risk Students



update pics

This page will hold,....
An update in pictures. My newest set of pics will be shown here.

Halloween 2003
Barry and I cordinated our coustums. He was a devil warshiper, and I was the demond he summoned. No pic of me in my coustum though sadly... However I looked DAMN good hehe. Barry was just freaky!
This is Kazzy,.. He is one of my two ferrets. He was getting his picture taken while Skamp ( the other one) was getting into trouble. sadly no pics of Skamp yet, but they look almost exactly alike. only a mom could tell them apart Hehe
I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking.