

Summer In Belgium

Castle In Belgium

Christmas 2001 In Belgium

Easter 2002

New Look

My Sweet Barry

Poems 1

Poems 2

All Me Babe

Guest Book Page

At-Risk Students



update pics

From dawn until dusk,
My heart continues to lust.
Dreaming of the day that love will be mine,
Hoping for a love so fine.

Dreams work magic in my head,
Visions cover my mind, splashed in Red.
Hopes and Fears continue to collide.
Brain taking me on a terror ride.

Smiles cover my face,
Running in a greater race.
Trying to win over the fear
Not letting my eyes shed a tear.

The spiral continues to turn,
My body collapses in the ferns,
Wanting to end this crazy pain,
Knowing there is nothing more to Gain.

Distant and away I feel lost and alone
The room is crowded, but Im still alone,
Am I real? Am I here?
I speak but no one hears.
Was it in my head, or were the words real?

Looking around I walk through the crowd,
I bump into someone,
Feel the warmth of their skin on mine,
They dont flinch and continue to laugh at a joke I didnt hear

Its in my head, I've died and am a ghost
I imagined it all, how absurd.
If Im dead, then I cant hurt myself right?

Breaking the bottle on the table,
No one looks
I pull the jagged edge across my neck,
No one looks

I fall to the floor in a heap of blood.
Blood? I shouldnt bleed Im already dead!
The pain begins to take over my body
And I scream as loud as I can,
Now everyone is looking, and I know Im real

Its to late though. The damage has been done.
However I had victory,
I had won.
Least I now know, that I really was someone.

Jennifer Litz (10-5-02)

These are a few of my works. Please dont use them without asking. Thank you

Like Solid Rock

Like solid rock,
It can mold
The firmest foundations.

Like a diamond
Its beauty
Is long in the formation.

Like thin ice
It can crack
With the slightest pressure.

With true love
It will stand
Up to every measure.

Like a dream prize
That can never be won
This is one thing that
Is wanted by everyone.

Jennifer Litz

"where love is concerned"
I now look into the mirror
there are no longer scares, only tears
tears from a past I cant let go
tears for a love who could only say no.

I no longer see myself as ugly,
but the eyes that look back are gray
dark circles fall under each of them
from nights of lost sleep thinking of them.

is he right? do I still love him
do I truly still want him?
he hurt me once and I vowed not to let him in
yet my mind is still sees his wonderful grin

My love has never wronged me,
yet I take all my aggression out on him
I love him and I hate him
and in the end, I am ashamed.

I cant let go, yet I know its what I must do
Barry is the only one who has ever been true.
It feels as the only way out is for an end
An end,.. to this crazy madness will be the trend.

I am ashamed of my actions,
I know they are wrong,
so its pain I cause
in hoped that I can belong.

there is no logic in what I've written
its just a bunch of jumbled words,
but if you could look into my eyes at this moment
you would see there is never logic where love is concerned.

Jennifer Litz (10-5-02)